Letzter Strut Turkey Pot Call
Letzter Strut Turkey Pot Call
Letzter Strut Turkey Pot Call
Letzter Strut Turkey Pot Call

Letzter Strut Turkey Pot Call

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Der Final Strut Pot Call aus Schiefer über Glas reproduziert das Jaulen, Gackern und Schnurren einer ausgewachsenen, dominanten Henne. Das klassische Kirschholz gepaart mit einem zweiteiligen Purpleheart-Klöppel sorgt für einen effektiven, großartig klingenden Ruf, der den Bossfresser zu seinem Final Strut anlockt!

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Absolutely a deadly call!

The Final Strut slate call just flat out works! This bird was gobbling his head off all morning to it but just happened to have 6 hens with him. So, me and my daughter decided to slip back in under his roost later that afternoon. After sitting and waiting what seemed like 2 hours, I decided to the slate call a few times. He never answered but after that I could hear him drumming and he came in within 2 mins of using the call. The rest is history a memory me and my daughter will never forget! WILL NEVER GO WITHOUT IT AGAIN!